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Fixing “error creating overlay mount” in Docker on Windows

Are you getting this cryptic error from Docker Desktop on Windows when trying to start your containers?

server error – error creating overlay mount to /var/lib/docker/overlay2/2f46169556/merged: invalid argument

Is your Docker Desktop app taking forever to start?

I wasted two days on this problem, searching for anything online that could fix it. Nothing worked. Then I realized the problem: the drive that holds my Docker data was full.

To fix:

  1. Free up space on the drive
  2. Stop Docker Desktop (may require rebooting to do so)
  3. Get rid of the existing Docker data by running these two commands:
    wsl –unregister docker-desktop
    wsl –unregister docker-desktop-data
  4. Restart Docker Desktop
  5. Re-create all your containers

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